Hello! Welcome to my Ameba Pigg Tutorial Blog! Please show support by following my blog! Thanks!♡

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tutorial #4: Maintenance Page? What is this?!


Today's a new day!

I completely forgot that if it's Monday in America, then in Japan, it's Tuesday!
And you know what that means!
And if you don't it's okay! I'll show you what it means!

On every single Tuesdays, Ameba Pigg has decided to have maintenance!
Consider it as weekly check up, to make sure nothing lags the whole week through.

Although it may seem like a drag.. Be happy!
They do weekly check ups on Pigg to make sure nothing goes wrong.

When you see that photo above when you visit the Ameba Pigg site, it only means that they are doing a maintenance, and will be finished during the posted Japanese time.
**They do say that the posted time may be subjected to change. So don't always rely on the time!**

Have fun~ Let's see if we can get back online soon!


Tutorial #3: How To Find/Add Buddies

Hey guys~

I was planning to spend the whole night with my guy friend but I think he's got a massive migraine and can't get on for a while.
Either that, or he was so tired he slept. xD Stupid time differences...

Anyways, in light of the fact that my friends have all mysteriously disappeared.. I have decided to stay up and make some more tutorials!

This tutorial will be on how to add friends and buddies on Ameba Pigg.

Now, here's a forewarning.
PLEASE tell your friends who play on Pigg, that if they want you to find them, to give them the ID, not the NICKNAME of their Pigg characters. It is very common for people to change their Pigg character names, so it's not as reliable as the Pigg ID. Remind them that the Pigg ID is the login ID that they use to log back onto Pigg.

Now, let's begin!
This time, I will be using my actual account. The account's ID is: kuronokeiyakushaxhei
(Feel free to add me. :D )
This is my Pigg.
Let's say that I wanna add my second account as a buddy, on my main account.
And I know that my second account's ID name is: xyinfuyu

Since I know the ID, it's very easy to add her now.

Click this icon. The icon is located on the bottom right hand side of the screen.

After that, this box will come up:
The meaning of the tabs, from left to right would be:
1)Your Friends (Ones that have definitely approved you)
2)Awaiting Approval Friends List (You are waiting for approval)
3)Search engine for Pigg ID/Name (You can look up your friend here)
4)Gifts (Ones you received and sent)

Obviously, in this scenario, you would pick tab number 3. So click on tab number 3.

After clicking tab 3, you get this box. I have explained the meaning on the photo below:
Like I have explained before, it's much easier to get the Pigg ID, since the ID never comes in "fancy" lettering. It's straight up alphanumerical; very easy.
Click the ID link, and in the search engine, put your friend's Pigg ID; in my case, I will be putting xyinfuyu.

Yes! It seems that I have found her!
Click your friend's Pigg, and his/her bio box will come up.
Click the link on the bottom left corner of his/her bio. Click that anytime you want to add a Pigg.
**If you don't see the link there, your account may be under 18 years old, and will not allow any adds, or your friend's account is too young to be added!**

In clicking that link, you will get this box:
The message really doesn't matter, as long as your friend knows who you are, they are sure to add you.
After you have put your personal messages there, click the pink button.

A warning box will come up, and it looks like this:
This box's purpose is to warn people of the dangers of adding a "stranger".
Not really that worth reading.. Anyways.
When you get this box, just push the pink button.

Aaaannnnnddd.... You're done!

All you need to do is to wait until your friend approves your add. :)

Thanks for reading~!


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tutorial #2: How To Make A Pigg Character


Now that we have the account up and running, let's make your very own Pigg!

And then.. This page should pop out!

After that, this page should pop out:

This next step may be self explanatory, but I labeled and posted this anyways:

Click through all the pink buttons, and you are done!

If you have successfully created a Pigg, your last stage should look like this:

So.. I guess it's time for me to say...

Welcome to Ameba Pigg, guys!

After pushing the pink button shown in the photo above, you will do a tutorial with the Japanese equivalent of Chloe. Just follow everything you know from Pico, because her tutorial is just like Chloe's. :)

Have fun~ I will post more tutorials soon!


Tutorial #1: How To Make A Pigg Account

Hey guys!

It's my first tutorial; I'm pretty stoked and nervous at the same time!

Hopefully it makes sense...

I made it so people who don't use google chrome could sign up for a Pigg account.
The language has been left in Japanese (since I can read it, and for you to understand what buttons to push.).

First things first. I will highlight the things needing to be clicked, with a red box. So please pay attention...

Visit www.pigg.ameba.jp
When you get to the page, click this highlighted red box shown in the example below:

After that, you should get a page that looks like this down below.
It's asking for your email.
Simply, insert your email, and click the button right after.

On the next page, they will be asking for your email confirmation.
Simply log on to your email account, and click the link Ameba Pigg has provided you with.

After that, comes up the HUGE list of boxes you must fill out, as a part of your registration.
I will label all the parts.

There is a button you push right below your birth date. Push that to continue.

The next page that should pop up is confirmation page to make sure everything is correct.
Enter the confirmation letter/number combo at the bottom and click the left button to continue.

Now you are done! Push the pink button to continue to make your own Pigg!

Welp, that's it with the first tutorial! Hope it helps!
The next tutorial in line is "How To Make A Pigg Character!"

See you all soon~


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Airen's Pigg Accounts

I have 4 Ameba Pigg accounts up and running. I check each account everyday; it doesn't really matter which account you decide to message me or add me on.

To make it easier for most of you, I will put the most used account (most active) account at the top, and the least active account at the bottom, due to the account age issue (Under 18 years old until June of 2013).

Look up these Pigg IDs, not NICKNAMES, They are IDs:

1)kuronokeiyakushaxhei (Main account. Want a prompt response? Message me here.
2)xyinfuyu (Moderate-Main account. I don't use this one as much as the first.
3)yinfuyu (Under the age of 18 until June 27 of 2013. Feel free to add after.)
4)airenx (Also under the age of 18 until June 27 of 2013.)

Hope you guys leave me either friend requests and or requests by message. :3
I'll be sure to get the main functions How-To's get up and running. ^^


About this Blog...

Hi there,

My name is Airen. I'm 17.

My main blog that I run, is this: http://airenxpigg.blogspot.com
Feel free and come there for random updates that I will post. :3

I speak Japanese, English, and a couple of other minor languages.

The reason why I chose to make this blog, was to be able to get English players on Pico motivated to create a Pigg account.

I am planning on making a couple tutorials this weekend.
I don't think I can make much on the Weekdays; though, I will try for sure. :3

Hopefully, my tutorials will help A LOT of people.

If you have any requests whatsoever, please visit the blog post, "Airen's Pigg Account", and message my Pigg. Thanks~
